Coaching ✧ Services ☾

Coaching ✧ Services ☾

Author Coaching VIDEO CALL - $150

At any point in the writing process, you may find you need some extra support, guidance, or feedback on your project. I'm here to help! Book your Author Coaching Video Call here.

Brainstorming VIDEO CALL

Are your creative thoughts muddled and twisted up like vines up the castle walls? Do you have so many ideas that you can't sort through them all? Are you stuck on one aspect of your idea and can't get over the hurdle? Let's talk! Book either a 30- or 60-minute Brainstorming Session here.

Block Breaker CALL

30 minutes: $70.00

60 minutes: $140.00

Are you suffering from the dreaded affliction of all writers? You have an idea in your head but it seems to be stuck in a hazy valley between your brain and the paper (or computer screen)? Let's chat! Book either a 30- or 60-minute Block Breaker call here.